Welcome to pypps_reader’s documentation!

pypps_reader is a small application for the reading of NWCSAF-PPS generated data, both final products and those files that PPS spits out on it’s way during processing.

The source code of the module can be found on the github page.



You can download the source code from github:

$> git clone git://github.com/adybbroe/pypps_reader.git

and then run:

$> python setup.py install

or, if you want to hack the package:

$> python setup.py develop


A simple usage:

>>> from pypps_reader import NwcSafPpsData
>>> ctype = NwcSafPpsData("/local_disk/data/pps/export/noaa18_20120803_1144_37124_satproj_00000_05500_cloudtype.h5")
>>> avhrr = NwcSafPpsData("/local_disk/data/pps/import/PPS_data/remapped/noaa18_20120803_1144_37124_satproj_00000_05500_avhrr.h5")
>>> print ctype.cloudtype.data
[[ 1  1  1 ...,  1  6  6]
 [ 1  1  1 ...,  1  6  6]
 [ 1  1  1 ...,  1  6  6]
 [ 0  0  0 ...,  0  0  0]
 [10 10 10 ..., 14 14 14]
 [10 10 10 ..., 14 14 14]]
>>> print avhrr.area.lons
[[  56.50100268   56.44800268   56.39600268 ...,   24.59000117
    24.54600117   24.50100116]
 [  56.50000268   56.44800268   56.39500268 ...,   24.58600117
    24.54100117   24.49600116]
 [  56.49900268   56.44700268   56.39400268 ...,   24.58100117
    24.53700117   24.49200116]
 [ 129.35300614  129.32700614  129.30000614 ...,  -47.08100224
   -47.08200224  -47.08300224]
 [ 129.46600615  129.44000615  129.41500615 ...,  -47.10700224
   -47.10800224  -47.10900224]
 [ 129.57800615  129.55400615  129.52900615 ...,  -47.13200224
   -47.13300224  -47.13500224]]

Indices and tables